FileFort Review

FileFort is free Windows backup software by NCH Software.

FileFort box shot

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  • Free
  • Backup files and folders easily


  • Restoring your backup is an “all or nothing” approach
  • No verification that files were backed up correctly
  • Requires non-free software to burn to DVD

The Bottom Line

Average users will be pleased by the features FileFort offers.  It’s small, lightweight, and good for simply backing up your documents and photos.


The FileFort installation is relatively painless.  You’re given an option to install “Related Programs and Extras” such as CD burning software, FTP software, and the Ask Internet Browser Toolbar.  The Ask Toolbar is generally considered to be bloatware, so I unchecked it.

I was amazed at how small the FileFort executable is.  Whereas other backup software might weigh in at several hundred megabytes, FileFort manages to pack everything into  just under half a megabyte.

Backing Up

As free backup software, I was impressed with how feature rich FileFort is.  Some features, such as the ability to backup to Amazon S3 or Google Docs, are not even found in paid software.

FileFort main screen

The FileFort main screen is fairly standard and easy to understand

Creating a new backup job is easy.  Click the New button, and you’ll be guided through a series of menus to specify what to backup…

FileFort what to backup screen

Although it won’t backup your system files, it’s great for photos, folders, etc.

…and where to backup to.

FileFort backup to destination

You can backup to local media such as USB, optical media such as DVD, and online locations

You can choose to do a full backup, which backs up everything each time.  Or you can choose incremental backups, which only backs up changes.

The final screen lets you schedule your backup job.

If you’re backing up to optical media, FileFort will install the Express Burn software.  Launch Express Burn, and your backup will automatically be added to the queue and burned.  It’s pretty easy, however I found ExpressBurn to be buggy at times.  I would recommend other backup software if you’re serious about optical media.  This is especially true considering ExpressBurn is on a trial licence, which you’ll need to pay for eventually.


FileFort’s restore process is very easy.  It will ask you whether you want to restore files to their original location, or another location.  That’s about it, really.

Unfortunately, FileFort’s restore features are limited compared to paid backup software.  It’s an all or nothing approach.  I wish there was a way to pick and choose which files to restore.  There’s also no way to verify the integrity of your backed up data.


Online Backup

Backup to Amazon S3 or Google Docs (account required)

Self-extracting Backups

FileFort can create self-extracting backups.  This lets you restore on computers that don’t have the software installed.

MEO Encryption

Although I like the ability to password protect my backups, I wish there was more information on MEO encryption.  I prefer open standards like AES to proprietary solutions, but that’s just me.


There’s a help manual, which can be accessed through the program.  Due to FileFort being free software, there’s limited technical support.  The authors can only answer some of the many emails they receive.  There’s also a community forum, but it’s not very active at the time of this writing.

Product Name FileFort
Version 3.15
License Freeware
Price Free
Operating Systems Window
Backup Types
Files and Folders yes
Full Disk Image no
Incremental yes
Differential no
Backup Destinations
Hard Drive yes
Removable Media yes
Network Shares yes
Blu-ray yes
CD/DVD yes
FTP yes
Online Storage yes
Compression yes
Encryption yes
Email Notifications no
Error Handling yes
File Versioning yes
Priority Setting no
Scheduling yes
Speed Limiting no
Synchronization no

Geoff Akerlund

Geoff Akerlund

Geoff Akerlund is the founder and editor-in-chief of He enjoys attending music festivals, whitewater kayaking on the American River, and board game nights in his free time.

Geoff Akerlund