ABC Backup Review

“Make backups as easy as A-B-C.”  That’s the slogan ABC Backup Software uses for their flagship product.  But is it really that easy?  And how does their software stack up against competitors?

ABC Backup main screen

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  • It’s a no-frills, straight to the point type of program
  • Low cost ($30)


  • Buggy, needs updating
  • Lack of support

The Bottom Line

Unfortunately, ABC Backup suffers from numerous bugs in Microsoft’s latest operating systems and a lack of technical support.


The installer launches, you click next, and after a few seconds it’s done.  That’s all there is to it.

Backing Up

ABC Backup handles your backup jobs as “tasks”.  You click Add Task and the software walks you through the process of backing up your files.  You can name your task, select which files to backup, and where to backup.  Options like compression and scheduling are also available.

ABC Backup edit task

Select which files and folders you want to backup.

I liked how fast my files were compressed and backed up.

Unfortunately, I encountered some bugs which failed to backup my files correctly.  Trying to backup my files “as is” (i.e. no compression) to an external hard drive failed for no reason.  Not a single file was copied.  I also encountered a .dll error when trying to add a new task.

It’s for this reason I can’t recommend this software.  If the bugs were fixed, I could give it a fair review.  It’s also possible it’s just my computer/settings, and other users will have better luck.  Windows Vista is apparently not listed as a supported OS.

If you do give it a shot, definitely check and make sure your files were backed up!


Restoring is done via a new task.

ABC Backup restore task

Restoring is the same as backing up…only in reverse.

When you run the task, your files will be restored.  It doesn’t get much easier than that.


Incremental Backups

The ability to backup only new and modified files saves time and space.

Backup or Mirror Data

You can choose to keep multiple versions of your backed up data, or keep an exact copy (mirror).

Built in Task Scheduler

Scheduling your backups is vital to protecting your data.

FTP Backup

Although not as reliable as cloud storage, FTP can add an extra layer of protection.


Support is given through a simple contact form on their website.  I contacted them twice and unfortunately have yet to hear back from them over a week later.

Product Name ABC Backup
Version 5.50
License Shareware
Price $29.95
Operating Systems Window
Backup Types
Files and Folders yes
Full Disk Image no
Incremental yes
Differential no
Backup Destinations
Hard Drive yes
Removable Media yes
Network Shares yes
Blu-ray no
FTP yes
Online Storage no
Compression yes
Encryption no
Email Notifications no
Error Handling yes
File Versioning yes
Priority Setting no
Scheduling yes
Speed Limiting no
Synchronization yes

Geoff Akerlund

Geoff Akerlund

Geoff Akerlund is the founder and editor-in-chief of He enjoys attending music festivals, whitewater kayaking on the American River, and board game nights in his free time.

Geoff Akerlund